Hot / cold compress

Purpose/areas of application:

Hot/cold compresses are for external use only by untrained non-specialists both in medical institutions and in domestic environments. Hot/cold compresses can be used in the following areas of application:

  • Cold treatment: bruises, inflammation, insect bites, hangovers, headache, minor burns, migraine, nose bleeds, contusions, swelling, dislocation, sprains, tennis elbow, toothache, strained muscles
  • Hot treatment: lumbago, menstruation pain, aching muscles, rheumatic pain, backache, colds, chills, tension

Hot/cold compresses must not be used if patients suffer from circulatory disorder and cryaethesia, Raynaud syndrome.
Patients suffering from cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus may only use the product following consultation with their doctor.

Application information:

Use as a cold compress:

Cool the compressed in the freezer compartment down to approx. –18 °C for 2 hours before use. Wind a thin cloth around the compress for use. We recommend keeping the compress stored in the freezer compartment after use so that it is always ready for use.

Use as a hot compress

Before use place the compress in hot water up to + 80 °C or in the microwave at 280 W (under constant observation). After the heating-up process, remove the compress and knead it well to distribute the heat. Wind a thin cloth around the compress for use.

The heating-up time depends on the size of the compress and is as follows:

Size of the compressWater bathMicrowave (280 Watt)
8 x 13 cmapprox. 2 minutesapprox. 45 seconds
13 x 14 cmapprox. 4 minutesapprox. 2 minutes
12 x 29 cmapprox. 6 minutesapprox. 4 minutes
16 x 26 cmapprox. 6 minutesapprox. 4 minutes
21 x 38 cmapprox. 8 minutesapprox. 6 minutes
30 x 40 cmapprox. 10 minutesapprox. 10 minutes
7.5 x 35 cmapprox. 4 minutesapprox. 2 minutes
7.5 x 52 cmapprox. 6 minutesapprox. 4 minutes


Overheating can destroy the compresses. Leaking or emptied compresses must
not be heated and used again.

Information about the gel:

The gel used in the compresses is not toxic. Should any gel get onto the skin or into your eyes, rinse off or out using plenty of water. Consult a doctor if necessary. There have been no reports of irritation of the skin and mucous membrane.

Keep the hot/cold compresses in a cool and dry place protected from sunlight. After application the hot/cold compress can be cleaned with standard washing-up liquid and water if necessary.
Damaged, leaking compresses must not be used again and must be disposed of with household waste. Keep hot/cold compresses out of the reach of children.
Please report any serious incidents which happen in connection with the product to Gello GmbH Geltechnik and the authorities responsible.

Rev. 01/2020